Institute of Forest Genetics & Tree Breeding
(Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education)
P.B. No.1061, Forest Campus
R.S. Puram, Coimbatore – 641 002
Requirement of Junior Research Fellows, Educational Qualification etc.
Sl. No | Project No. | Name of Project | JRF requirement | Qualification | Date of Interview |
1st Class Master degree in the following disciplines | |||||
01 | IFGTB-EF- 2010-2012 | Validation of DUS Testing Guidelines for Casuarinas and Eucalypts | 02 | M.Sc.(Botany/Forestry/ Agriculture) | 28.06.2010 |
02 | IFGTB-RP-86/ 2010-2013 | Impact of forest plantation on ground flora diversity and soil characteristics including the prescription of management practices. | 01 | M.Sc.(Botany/Plant Science with specialization in Plant Taxonomy) | 28.06.2010 |
03 | IFGTB-RP/89/ 2010-2014 | Evaluation of Calophyllum inophyllum populations for high oil yield. | 01 | M.Sc.(Horticulture/Forestry) Desirable: Experience in * Tree Breeding * Statistics * Computer knowledge | 28.06.2010 |
04 | IFGTB-RP-90/ 2010-2014 | Selection and Vegetative Propagation of Neolamarkia cadamba (Roxb.) Miq-An alternative species for Pencil/Match Wood/Ply Wood Industry | 01 | M.Sc. (Forestry/Botany) Desirable: One year experience in the field | 28.06.2010 |
05 | IFGTB-RP-85/ 2010-2015 | Selection of clones of Acacia auriculiformis with desirable stem form and wood properties for short rotation timber production | 01 | M.Sc.(Biotechnology/Botany/ Forestry) Desirable: * Knowledge of Macro & Micro-propagation * Knowledge of local languages – Tamil and Malayalam * Candidates willing to pursue Ph.D degree from FRI University Note: The selected candidates should be ready to travel extensively and stay and work in remote forest areas. | 28.06.2010 |
06 | IFGTB-RP-87/ 2010-2014 | Developing clonal Technology for raising clonal plantation of Indigenous species of Ailanthus Excelsa and Ailanthus triphysa in Tamil Nadu and Kerala | 01 | M.Sc.(Botany/Forestry) | 28.06.2010 |
07 | IFGTB-RP-94/ 2010-2013 | Evaluation of Gmelina arborea Roxb. Selections from Central, North Eastern and Southern Regions | 01 | M.Sc. (Botany) | 28.06.2010 |
08 | IFGTB-RP-88/ 2010-2013 | Species Recovery Using Diversity Estimate and Control Pollination in Bruguiera sexangula | 01 | M.Sc. (Botany) Desirable: * Experience in Reproductive Ecology, Pollination Biology or Tree Hybridisation. | 28.06.2010 |
09 | IFGTB-RP-91/ 2010-2015 | Chemotyping of Sapindus emarginatus – A potential NTFP of Tamil Nadu for saponins | 01 | M.Sc.(Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/Chemistry) Desirable: * Working knowledge on HPTLC/HPLC * Computer operation | 29.06.2010 |
10 | IFGTB-RP-102/ 2010-2014 | Determination of the target genes in Leptocybe invasa for engineering resistance in Eucalyptus through gene-silencing approaches | 01 | M.Sc.(Biotechnology/Gene technology/Genomics) | 29.06.2010 |
11 | IFGTB-RP-105/ 2010-2013 | Studies on oil: Chemical composition, antifeedant, insecticidal and antifungal activities of tree borne oil seeds | 01 | M.Sc.(Chemistry/Biochemistry/ Biotechnology) | 29.06.2010 |
12 | IFGTB-RP-82/ 2010-2013 | Doumentation of Agroforestry Systems and wood flow to Wood based industries in Tamil Nadu | 02 | Master degree in Economics/ Agricultural Economics/ Master degree in Sociology/ Statistics/Agriculture/Forestry Desirable; Experience in macro economic sample survey, market survey, market intelligence and analysis, raw material demand and supply forecasting in wood based industries | 30.06.2010 |
Institute of Forest Genetics & Tree Breeding
(Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education)
P.B. No.1061, Forest Campus
R.S. Puram, Coimbatore – 641 002
Recruitment of Junior Research Fellows
Walk-in-interviews are proposed to be conducted to recruit Junior Research Fellows for various projects funded by ICFRE and other funding agencies at Institute of Forest Genetics & Tree Breeding, Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) from 28.6.2010 to 30.6.2010 as detailed below:
Sl.No. | Qualification | No. of Posts | Date of interview |
1st Class Master Degree in the following disciplines | |||
01 | Botany, Forestry, Agriculture, Horticulture, Plant Science | 09 | 28-06-2010 |
02 | Chemistry, Biochemistry, Genomics, Gene Technology, Biotechnology | 03 | 29-06-2010 |
03 | Economics, Agricultural Economics, Sociology, Statistics | 02 | 30-06-2010 |
Terms and conditions:
1. Age limit is 28 years as on 1st June, 2010 (Relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates).
2. Emoluments:Rs.12,000/- per month.
3. The positions are temporary and co-terminus with the project.
4. Candidates are advised to bring the bio-data duly filled in as per the prescribed format which can be downloaded from the website address given below.
5. Candidates desirous of attending the walk-in-interview should bring original testimonials on educational qualifications and community certificate for verification. Attested copies of the same are to be attached with the bio-data form while appearing for the interview.
6. No TA/DA will be paid for participating the interview.
7. Please visit our website for project and other details on the interview.
Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education
(An autonomous body of Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India)
P.B. No. 1061, R.S. Puram, Coimbatore 641 002.
1. Position applied for : ________________________________
2. Name of the Project(s)/
Project No(s) :________________________________
3. Name of the candidate : ________________________________
4. Father’s Name :________________________________
5. Date of birth : ________D ________M __________Yr.
(Attach attested copy of SSC / HSC certificate)
6. Age as on 01.06.2010 : ________Yr ________M ________D
7. Sex (√ ) :M F
8. Marital Status (√ ) : Married Unmarried
9. Whether belongs to SC / ST / OBC (√ ): SC ST OBC
(Attach attested proof)
10. Address for communication :
Phone No. :
Mobile No.
E- Mail :
11. Permanent address :
Phone No. :
12. Educational qualifications :
(Attach attested copies of mark sheet / certificates)
Qualifica-tion | Institution | University/ Board | Year of Passing | Subjects | Division / % of marks | Specializa-tion |
Ph.D | | | | | | |
M.Sc. | | | | | | |
B.Sc. | | | | | | |
HSC / +2 | | | | | | |
Any other | | | | | | |
13. Whether receiving Scholarship / Fellowship from any agency? If yes, indicate:
Name of the Employer | Project Title and Funding Agency | Post held | Salary drawn | Period | Nature of work | |
| | | | From | To | |
| | | | | | |
14. Are you under any contractual obligations to serve Central/State Govt/Any other Public Sector Undertaking or Autonomous body and if so, give details (attach NOC if applicable):
15. Whether appeared / qualified for NET (UGC/CSIR/ICAR) / SLET/GATE, if YES, enclose copy of certificate:
16. Language proficiency (√ ) :
Language | Read | Write | Speak |
Hindi | | | |
Tamil | | | |
Malayalam | | | |
English | | | |
17. Proficiency in computers (√ ):
MS Word | Power point | Excel | Web Browsing | Desktop printing |
| | | | |
| | | | |
18. Previous work experience (in bullet points):
(Enclose copies of Experience certificates)
19. Previous research experience (in bullet points):
(Enclose copies of Experience certificates)
20. Publications if any:
21. Awards received:
22. Association / memberships in professional organizations:
23. Any other relevant information (not more than 50 words):
24. Please give the names and addresses of three prominent persons to whom you are known (for reference):
I hereby declare that the above information is correct and to the best of my knowledge and belief. If, I am found to have concealed/distorted any material information, my appointment shall be liable for termination without notice.
Signature of the candidate
General Conditions
1. Only Indian nationals are eligible.
2. The applicants should ensure that they satisfy the eligibility criteria.
3. Candidates working in Government/public sector undertakings, autonomous organisations must obtain a “No Objection Certificate” from their employer and produce at the time of interview.
4. Upper age limit is 28 years for JRF and 30 years for SRF as on 1.6.2010 with relaxation up to a maximum of 5 years and 3 years in respect of SC/ST and OBC respectively.
5. The interview starts at 9.30 a.m
6. Candidates are advised to bring the bio-data duly filled in the prescribed format (format can be downloaded from the website) along with the attested copies of all the educational qualifications, experience certificates and other relevant documents. No documents should be sent to this office in advance.
7. Original certificates will be verified at the time of interview.
8. Recruitment for the above temporary positions is governed by rules of the Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education and does not guarantee subsequent employment in any Institutes under the Council.
9. The position is on temporary basis, co-terminus with the project or earlier depending on the performance of the candidate.
10. No TA/DA will be paid for participating in the interview.
11. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.
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